Thursday, November 19, 2009

Buckeyes in the making!!!

So it is official! We have made it 26 weeks into the pregnancy and things could not possibly get any better! Our doctors are expecting Leanne to be able to carry the babies to week 36 and are even hopeful that she we go all the way to 37 weeks.

The boys are right on track as far as growth... "Baby A" is approximately 1 lb 12 oz right now and "Baby B" is about 1 lb 13 oz.
It is getting crazy around our house already, we have the cribs set up, the limo sized double stroller, two swings, we are stock piling diapers, two car seats, some clothes, and it still seems like there is still a million things that need to be done. We are so thankful that we have amazing family and friends who have been helping out with our big purchases, otherwise we would be in a world of hurt with twins! Although you are never fully prepared to be a parent, especially of twins, we are getting more and more excited and anxious every day, we can't wait to meet these little guys who are moving all around in Leannes tummy. Watching them dance around her belly in the evening has become one of our favorite things to do together in the evening.
The Penny household is also gearing up for the annual big game... Ohio State vs Michigan. By the household I mean myself :o) All week at school my P.E. aide who is from Michigan and myself have been going back and forth, on Friday we are having our first ever Go Bucks vs. Go Blue day where the students (who don't know much about the rivalry other than the team colors) wear either red or blue and get competitive in the classroom. VERY EXCITING!
Our baby shower is rapidly approaching as well... although we would have loved to have invited everyone we know, unfortunately it just was not possible. Our great friend Missy Francis is hosting the party at her mothers beautiful home with my mother. My sister-in-laws Sommer and Marcia will also be helping get everything set up and arranged so we are quite excited to see how everything turns out.
Leanne and I actually registered at Babies-r-us which was a whole bunch of fun. If anyone wanted to go check that out you can totally tell when I got away from Leanne and scanned a few things on my own because that scanner gun is just too much fun!
We will actually be having the baby shower on December 6th a few hours after I finished running the Las Vegas Marathon (I know, crazy, but I know I can do both!) The marathon has been a goal of mine for the past year and something I have been training very hard for. For those of you who are not aware, my brother who is now a detective with the LVMPD was shot in the leg on June 5, 2008. To help inspire him to make a full recovery and let him know how much of a hero he is to not only myself, but to our family and our community I promised him that I would run this marathon for him.
Sorry for such a delay in between posts, but since the high school football team that I coached football season is over, hopefully I'll be updating more so that I don't have to write a small book every time just to keep everyone posted.
Much Love...
Devin and Leanne

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